Now that you are here meet
Dr. Joyce Martella
Educating & Coaching
Trauma Survivors
Specialized work with multi-generational Cult survivors.
Also works with anyone with repeated trauma.
By embracing the wounds as a part of ones self, the scar is no longer just a mark, but proof of survival. The healing will begin and the transformation takes place
I can help you understand this underserved population.
I will give you the information and tools you need to help them heal and transform their trauma.
I have been where you are and there is hope. You can learn to transform your trauma into strength.
I have been speaking for over 18 years, addressing the issues of Complex Trauma for individuals born and raised in destructive cults and high demand groups. I have had the privilege of speaking in Switzerland, Belgium and throughout the United States.
My personal story, as the daughter of the leader, of a pseudo- Christian cult and many years of studying cults, complex trauma, and my own journey to heal, allows me to bring a unique perspective to this work.
I helped develop and co-facilitated a three- day workshop for individuals born and raised in destructive cults and high demand groups. I was part of a dedicated group of counselors who did workshops for individuals who had left these groups.
Ph.D. Depth Psychology
MA. Counseling Psychology
A recipient of the Margaret Thaler Singer Award "For Advancing the Understanding of Coercive Persuasion and Undue Influence."
My Master's thesis, Twice Burned, is an in depth study of individuals born and raised in destructive cults and high demand groups. It looks at how this experience impacted their personal development and identity formation .
My Dissertation, it demonstrates how therapist can help these individuals heal from the complex trauma they survived.
My weekly Podcast
Talking about the issues, individuals born and raised in cults
and complex trauma survivors deal with.
Coming soon.